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Tag Archives: bird
White-Crested Laughing Thrush
This is a White-Crested Laughing Thrush (sometimes spelled laughingthrush.) It is native to Asian rainforests and the Himalayas. They spend most of their time in the forest canopy. White-Chested Laughing Thrushes eat seeds, insects, and fruit. Even though the bird … Continue reading
Elegant Crested Tinamou
This is an Elegant Crested Tinamou. Tinamous are closely related to birds like ostriches, emus, cassowaries, moas, elephant birds, and kiwis. But, even though none of those birds can fly, tinamous can. Elegant Crested Tinamous are native to South America. … Continue reading
Blue-gray Tanager
This is a blue-gray tanager. It is also called a blue jean. It lives in Mexico, Central America, and Northern South America. It has been introduced into Lima, Peru and Hollywood, Florida. It lives in gardens, farmlands, and forests. It … Continue reading
White-faced Whistling Duck
This is a white-faced whistling duck. It has a wide-spread range in both the Old World and New World. In the Old World it is found in Africa and Madagascar, and in the New World it is found in the … Continue reading
Scarlet Ibis
This is a scarlet ibis. Shhh! Don’t wake it up! They get their scarlet color from eating red crabs. They are the only red shorebird in the world. When they are juveniles, they are brown, gray, and white, with a … Continue reading
Crested Screamers
This is a crested screamer, also called southern screamer. They live in South America in the countries of Peru, Bolivia, Paraguay, Brazil, Uruguay, and Argentina. They can swim like ducks and build their nests near water. But their legs are … Continue reading
Posted in Birds
Tagged baby, bird, Milwaukee County Zoo, non-passerine, photo, screamer, waterfowl
1 Comment
Northern Cardinals
These are northern cardinals. Northern cardinals are also called redbirds or common cardinals. The redder one on the ground is a male. The browner one on the feeder is a female. They are mates. Cardinals mate for life, so Mr. … Continue reading
American White Pelican
This is an American white pelican. They live in North America. In Wisconsin, lots of pelicans migrate through, but some decide to stay here for the summer. The one in this picture lives at the NEW Zoo in Green Bay. … Continue reading
Common Murre
This is a common murre. They are also called common guillemot or thin-billed murre. They live in the north all the way around the world. They are very good swimmers and divers. Murres are a type of auks. Auks are … Continue reading
Blue and Gold Macaw Cake
Last Thursday, my cub scout pack had a blue and gold banquet. There was a male-only cake decorating contest; females could not help decorate the cakes. My dad and I decided to make a blue and gold macaw cake (also … Continue reading