Tag Archives: video

Black Beetle

This was my favorite Super Bowl commercial.  How many of these bugs can you identify?

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Gold Inca Snails

I got two new pets for my fish tank!  They are gold Inca snails.  The bigger one that you can see above is named Golden.  The smaller one in the picture below is named Little Golden.  I got them Saturday … Continue reading

Posted in Mollusks | Tagged , , , , , , | 11 Comments


This is Sherman.  Sherman belongs to my Uncle Tim and Aunt Ady.  Sherman is a cock-a-chon, which is a mix between the American Cocker Spaniel and Bichon Frise breeds of dog.  He is a very friendly and active dog.  He … Continue reading

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Canada Geese Resting

Every evening for the last month, hundreds of Canada geese have been coming to a pond near my house.  They spend the night there resting, and they take off in the morning.  The next evening, new geese come to take … Continue reading

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Downy Woodpecker

Peck, peck, peck… It’s a woodpecker! Daddy and I were in our living room today playing zoo animals.  We heard a bunch of birds chirping, and we looked out the window.  We heard this pecking sound, and then we saw … Continue reading

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Whooping Crane

This is a whooping crane.  Whooping cranes are the tallest birds in North America.  The whooping crane is not the most endangered bird in the whole world, but it used to be.  Fifty years ago, there were only about 20 … Continue reading

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Sarus Cranes

During our visit to the International Crane Foundation, when we got to the sarus cranes, they were dancing. We made a short movie of their dance: Sarus cranes are from Australia, India, and Southeast Asia.  It was a lot of … Continue reading

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