Tag Archives: International Crane Foundation

Grey Crowned Crane

This is a grey crowned crane.  If you live in or visit southern Africa, you might see these cranes in Uganda, Kenya, Tanzania, Democratic Republic of the Congo, Zambia, Mozambique, Zimbabwe, Angola, Namibia, Botswana, or South Africa.  It is the … Continue reading

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White-Naped Crane

White-naped cranes live in marshy areas in China, Mongolia, Russia, Korea, and Japan.  They are called white-naped cranes because they have white napes.  The nape is the back of its neck.  One of the things I like about this crane … Continue reading

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Whooping Crane

This is a whooping crane.  Whooping cranes are the tallest birds in North America.  The whooping crane is not the most endangered bird in the whole world, but it used to be.  Fifty years ago, there were only about 20 … Continue reading

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Sarus Cranes

During our visit to the International Crane Foundation, when we got to the sarus cranes, they were dancing. We made a short movie of their dance: Sarus cranes are from Australia, India, and Southeast Asia.  It was a lot of … Continue reading

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Black Crowned Crane

Today we went to the International Crane Foundation.  It is a really cool place with cranes from all around the world.  We took lots of pictures and even some video and you’ll be seeing more cranes here soon. This is … Continue reading

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