Tag Archives: wild

A Rainbow of Insects

This is my new fair project for the Calumet County Fair.  You can see it at the fair this weekend, August 29-September 1, 2014.  I worked hard collecting all the bugs for this collection, but it was fun.  This year, … Continue reading

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The Insect 4-H Club

This is my project for the Calumet County Fair this year.  I got the idea from the National Zoo in Washington, D.C., which we visited this summer.  We saw a beetle collection that was in the shape of a beetle!  … Continue reading

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Paper Birch Tree Octopus

These are paper birch tree octopi.  They are also called Wisconsinite Tree Octopus and pigmy tree octopus.  They only live in paper birch trees.  We found these on our tree this morning.  They are omnivores, which means that they eat … Continue reading

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Insects of High Cliff

I joined 4-H this year, and this is my first project for the Calumet County Fair.  It’s called “Insects of High Cliff.”  I call it this because I collected all of the insects at High Cliff State Park.  My dad … Continue reading

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Northern Cardinals

These are northern cardinals.  Northern cardinals are also called redbirds or common cardinals.  The redder one on the ground is a male.  The browner one on the feeder is a female.  They are mates.  Cardinals mate for life, so Mr. … Continue reading

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American White Pelican

This is an American white pelican.  They live in North America.  In Wisconsin, lots of pelicans migrate through, but some decide to stay here for the summer.  The one in this picture lives at the NEW Zoo in Green Bay. … Continue reading

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This is an adult octowalrus. Octowalruses live in the deep part of the Arctic Ocean. Their favorite food is clams. They drag their whiskers and tusks in the sand to find clams. They are very rare because they get attacked … Continue reading

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American White Ibis

This is an American white ibis.  I really like its red curved bill.  It is related to the scarlet ibis.  I saw both of those birds at SeaWorld.  The white ibis was not in an exhibit, but it just flew … Continue reading

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Differential Grasshopper

This is a differential grasshopper.  They are found in most of the United States, except the Northwest, Southeast, and New England.  They are very common in Wisconsin.  I see them around my house quite a bit. We took this picture … Continue reading

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Red-Tailed Hawk

A couple of weeks ago, I was sitting at home watching the movie Race to Witch Mountain with my dad.  (There is a dog, a tarantula, and a gila monster in the movie. A gila monster is a big lizard.)  … Continue reading

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