Tag Archives: game

Habitat Hotel

[iframe allowtransparency=”true” width=”485″ height=”402″ src=”http://scratch.mit.edu/projects/embed/36868386/?autostart=false” frameborder=”0″ allowfullscreen] Press the green flag to start. To earn points click on as many animals as you can, but remember once you click an animal you can’t click it again until it comes back. … Continue reading

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Mystery Bug

It’s time for another Raymie’s Zoo game!  This is a mystery bug.  Its species is already on my website.  You have to leave a comment and guess what species it is.  In a few days I will tell you what … Continue reading

Posted in Bugs | Tagged , | 1 Comment

Bar-headed Goose

This is a bar-headed goose.  It lives in Asia.  It is sometimes seen in other parts of the world, though, because they have been brought into zoos and animal parks and sometimes they escape. I saw it at SeaWorld near … Continue reading

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