Tag Archives: passerine

White-Crested Laughing Thrush

This is a White-Crested Laughing Thrush (sometimes spelled laughingthrush.) It is native to Asian rainforests and the Himalayas.  They spend most of their time in the forest canopy. White-Chested Laughing Thrushes eat seeds, insects, and fruit. Even though the bird … Continue reading

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Blue-gray Tanager

This is a blue-gray tanager.  It is also called a blue jean.  It lives in Mexico, Central America, and Northern South America.  It has been introduced into Lima, Peru and Hollywood, Florida.  It lives in gardens, farmlands, and forests.  It … Continue reading

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Northern Cardinals

These are northern cardinals.  Northern cardinals are also called redbirds or common cardinals.  The redder one on the ground is a male.  The browner one on the feeder is a female.  They are mates.  Cardinals mate for life, so Mr. … Continue reading

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Dark-eyed Junco

We saw this dark-eyed junco yesterday in our backyard.  He was playing in the rain.  There are a few different varieties of dark-eyed juncos.  This one is a slate-colored dark-eyed junco, which is the only kind of junco found in … Continue reading

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