Tag Archives: goose

Bar-headed Goose

This is a bar-headed goose.  It lives in Asia.  It is sometimes seen in other parts of the world, though, because they have been brought into zoos and animal parks and sometimes they escape. I saw it at SeaWorld near … Continue reading

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Canada Geese Resting

Every evening for the last month, hundreds of Canada geese have been coming to a pond near my house.  They spend the night there resting, and they take off in the morning.  The next evening, new geese come to take … Continue reading

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Canada Geese

I saw these Canada geese at my daddy’s work, near the Fox River. It was a mommy and daddy goose with 22 babies.  Baby geese are called goslings.  We took this picture this past summer on June 5, which is … Continue reading

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