Category Archives: Mollusks

Giant Clam

This is a giant clam.  It is also called pā’ua or taklobo in other countries.  Its scientific name is Tridacna gigas, which I think is funny sounding.  It lives in shallow coral reefs in the South Pacific and Indian Oceans.  … Continue reading

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Paper Birch Tree Octopus

These are paper birch tree octopi.  They are also called Wisconsinite Tree Octopus and pigmy tree octopus.  They only live in paper birch trees.  We found these on our tree this morning.  They are omnivores, which means that they eat … Continue reading

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Baby Snails

I have some news about my gold Inca snails.  A couple of months ago, I got a new snail for my aquarium.  He’s a blue mystery snail and his name is Azul.  I’ll write another blog post about Azul soon.  … Continue reading

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This is an adult octowalrus. Octowalruses live in the deep part of the Arctic Ocean. Their favorite food is clams. They drag their whiskers and tusks in the sand to find clams. They are very rare because they get attacked … Continue reading

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Giant Pacific Octopus

This is a giant Pacific octopus, also called North Pacific giant octopus.  I saw this one at SeaWorld in the Manta Aquarium exhibit.  This giant Pacific octopus is sleeping.  Shhhh!  I can tell it is sleeping because its eyes are … Continue reading

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Gold Inca Snails

I got two new pets for my fish tank!  They are gold Inca snails.  The bigger one that you can see above is named Golden.  The smaller one in the picture below is named Little Golden.  I got them Saturday … Continue reading

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