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Category Archives: Fish
Banded Leporinus
This is a banded leporinus. It is also called black-banded leporinus. They are native to the Amazon, but have been introduced to Florida and Hawaii. However, no banded leporinuses have been seen in Hawaii since 2005. Banded leporinuses eat alage, … Continue reading
Boesman’s Rainbowfish
This is a Boesman’s rainbowfish. It is also called a Boesmani rainbowfish, and the word Boesman is sometimes spelled Boseman or Boeseman. They live in Papua New Guinea in streams and lakes. They are a popular aquarium fish because of … Continue reading
Lined Seahorse
These are lined seahorses. They are also called northern seahorses. I saw them at SeaWorld‘s Manta Aquarium. Seahorses are fun to watch. They change color to blend in with their surroundings, and they like to hang on to plants with … Continue reading
Alligator Gar
The one on the left is an alligator gar. It is sometimes called a gator gar. It is a big fish that looks a little like an alligator. It has a long snout and big teeth just like an alligator. … Continue reading
Blood Parrot Cichlid
This is a blood parrot cichlid. It is also called a parrot cichlid or a bloody parrot. This fish is a hybrid cichlid, which means that it is a cross between two different kinds of cichlids: a severum and a … Continue reading
Sailfin Tang
This is a sailfin tang. We saw it on Saturday at Petco while we were picking up our new gold Inca snails. One of the neat things about this fish is that he can put his fins up and down … Continue reading
Glass Bloodfin Tetras
These are my pet glass bloodfin tetras. We have four of them and their names are Pio, Nineta, Nine, and Seventen. Glass bloodfin tetras are also called glass bloodfins and x-ray fish. These fish are very special because they have … Continue reading
Neon Tetras
These are my pet neon tetras. Their names are Big Neon, Little Neon, Medium Neon, and Blah Blah Blee. We got them on March 13, 2010 from Petco. Neon tetras are very colorful fish. They have a bright blue stripe … Continue reading
This is a picture of my pet plecostomus. His name is Suck. He has a very important job in my fish tank. He sucks up the algae on the glass, on the leaves, and almost anywhere else in the tank, … Continue reading
This is a picture of a bluegill that I caught at my great grandma’s cabin on French Lake near Lakewood, Wisconsin. French Lake is a nice quiet lake, and we like to go canoeing and fishing there. The only thing … Continue reading