Tag Archives: insect

A Rainbow of Insects

This is my new fair project for the Calumet County Fair.  You can see it at the fair this weekend, August 29-September 1, 2014.  I worked hard collecting all the bugs for this collection, but it was fun.  This year, … Continue reading

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The Insect 4-H Club

This is my project for the Calumet County Fair this year.  I got the idea from the National Zoo in Washington, D.C., which we visited this summer.  We saw a beetle collection that was in the shape of a beetle!  … Continue reading

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Mystery Bug

It’s time for another Raymie’s Zoo game!  This is a mystery bug.  Its species is already on my website.  You have to leave a comment and guess what species it is.  In a few days I will tell you what … Continue reading

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Insects of High Cliff

I joined 4-H this year, and this is my first project for the Calumet County Fair.  It’s called “Insects of High Cliff.”  I call it this because I collected all of the insects at High Cliff State Park.  My dad … Continue reading

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Giant Prickly Walkingstick

This is a female giant prickly walkingstick.  The males are a lot smaller.  It is really hard to see because it blends in with the bark on the tree.  It lives in the rain forests of Australia and are herbivores.  … Continue reading

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Giant Cockroach

These are giant cockroaches.  The scientific name is Blaberus giganteus.  If you live in or go to Central or South America, you might see these big bugs.  They are one of the world’s largest cockroaches.  They are about 3 inches … Continue reading

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Jade-headed Buffalo Beetle

These are jade-headed buffalo beetles.  They are called jade-headed because they are the color of jade.  These bugs live in the Bugs Alive exhibit at the Milwaukee Public Museum. When I first visited the museum in February, my favorite exhibit … Continue reading

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Two-spot Assassin Bug

These are two-spot assassin bugs, also called white-eyed assassin bugs.  They are named for their white spots on their backs.  I like the name two-spot better, because they don’t really have white eyes.  They come from Africa. In this picture, … Continue reading

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Boxelder Bug

These are boxelder bugs.  They live in eastern North America, from the Atlantic Ocean to the Great Plains. They eat sap from the leaves, flowers, and seeds of boxelder, maple, and oak trees.  They have a really cool black and … Continue reading

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This cricket was my pet Crickety.  He was one in a bag of crickets that my friend Cheryl gave me on my birthday this past summer.  I put him in the bug playground that my uncle Jim gave me for … Continue reading

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