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Tag Archives: photo
Dwarf Zebu
This is a zebu. Zebu are domestic cattle that live in India, Sri Lanka, Thailand, and East Africa. Zebu are also called humped cattle, indicus cattle, brahmin cattle, or cebu. The one in this picture is a dwarf zebu, which … Continue reading
Peppermint Shrimp
This is a peppermint shrimp. It is hard to see in this picture, but peppermint shrimp have red and white stripes like a peppermint stick. The peppermint shrimp is a cleaner shrimp, like the scarlet cleaner shrimp, which means that … Continue reading
Long Spine Sea Urchin
This is a long spine sea urchin. It is also called long-spined sea urchin, lime urchin, or black sea urchin. Sea urchins are in a group of animals called echinoderms, which also include sea stars. Long spine sea urchins live … Continue reading
This is an adult octowalrus. Octowalruses live in the deep part of the Arctic Ocean. Their favorite food is clams. They drag their whiskers and tusks in the sand to find clams. They are very rare because they get attacked … Continue reading
Common Murre
This is a common murre. They are also called common guillemot or thin-billed murre. They live in the north all the way around the world. They are very good swimmers and divers. Murres are a type of auks. Auks are … Continue reading
Blue and Gold Macaw Cake
Last Thursday, my cub scout pack had a blue and gold banquet. There was a male-only cake decorating contest; females could not help decorate the cakes. My dad and I decided to make a blue and gold macaw cake (also … Continue reading
Egyptian Sand Boa
This is an Egyptian sand boa. It is also called Kenyan sand boa or East African sand boa. They live in northeast Africa. It is a snake with a small head, small eyes, and a small tail. It likes to … Continue reading
Red-footed Tortoise
This is a very special red-footed tortoise. Notice anything strange about it? It has a wheel instead of one of its feet. This tortoise lives in Uberaba, Brazil. About a month ago, it cut its foot on an electric fence … Continue reading
Wood Stork
This is a wood stork. Its scientific name is Mycteria americana. It used to be called wood ibis, because it has a curved beak like an ibis. But it is not really an ibis. Its head looks like it is … Continue reading
Lined Seahorse
These are lined seahorses. They are also called northern seahorses. I saw them at SeaWorld‘s Manta Aquarium. Seahorses are fun to watch. They change color to blend in with their surroundings, and they like to hang on to plants with … Continue reading