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Tag Archives: photo
Blood Parrot Cichlid
This is a blood parrot cichlid. It is also called a parrot cichlid or a bloody parrot. This fish is a hybrid cichlid, which means that it is a cross between two different kinds of cichlids: a severum and a … Continue reading
Sailfin Tang
This is a sailfin tang. We saw it on Saturday at Petco while we were picking up our new gold Inca snails. One of the neat things about this fish is that he can put his fins up and down … Continue reading
Gold Inca Snails
I got two new pets for my fish tank! They are gold Inca snails. The bigger one that you can see above is named Golden. The smaller one in the picture below is named Little Golden. I got them Saturday … Continue reading
Tomato Frog
This is a tomato frog. It is also called a Madagascar red frog. Tomato frogs live in eastern Madagascar, which is an island next to Africa. They are called tomato frogs because they look like a tomato. The tadpoles and … Continue reading
Waxy Monkey Frog
This is a waxy monkey frog, also called waxy monkey leaf frog or painted-belly leaf frog. It lives in the South America’s Chaco Desert in Argentina, Paraguay, and Bolivia. Most frogs like to live in cool places, but this frog … Continue reading
Posted in Amphibians
Tagged amphibian, frog, Milwaukee Public Museum, photo, tree frog, zoo
1 Comment
Giant Prickly Walkingstick
This is a female giant prickly walkingstick. The males are a lot smaller. It is really hard to see because it blends in with the bark on the tree. It lives in the rain forests of Australia and are herbivores. … Continue reading
Flamingo Car
This is the car that my dad and I made for my Cub Scout pack’s pinewood derby. It looks like a flamingo! First we drew a picture of what we wanted it to look like. Then we cut a block … Continue reading
Antilles Pink-Toe Tarantula
This is an Antilles pink-toe tarantula. It is also called Martinique Red Tree Spider. These spiders live in the Antilles islands. They are called pink-toe because they have pink toes. They live inside of trees and they make a funnel … Continue reading
American Badger
This is a picture of me, my mommy, and an American Badger at the NEW Zoo in Green Bay. The picture was taken on July 3, 2006, and I was 2 years old at the time. American Badgers are carnivores … Continue reading