American White Ibis

This is an American white ibis.  I really like its red curved bill.  It is related to the scarlet ibis.  I saw both of those birds at SeaWorld.  The white ibis was not in an exhibit, but it just flew around the park wild and sometimes landed in other animals’ cages.  They live in Florida and along the gulf coast and east coast of the United States.  It is a carnivore that eats fish, frogs, insects, and small reptiles.  It has long red legs so that it can walk around in shallow water.

Happy Valentine’s Day!

About Raymie

Raymie is a 11 year old boy who loves animals. He is always looking around for new animals. He wants to be a zookeeper someday.
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6 Responses to American White Ibis

  1. Mommy says:

    And we also saw one along the side of the road eating a snake.

  2. Pingback: Wood Stork | Raymie's Zoo

  3. Pingback: Scarlet Ibis | Raymie's Zoo

  4. Debra Kay Blaser says:

    Hi Raymie,

    I saw some of these in my front yard this week end and went on the web to try to find out what they were. They were a small flock of White Ibis. I live in Corpus Christi, Tx

    We see them on the beach sometimes but we live 20 miles from the shore. I guess they went for a flight and got lost.

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