This is my project for the Calumet County Fair this year. I got the idea from the National Zoo in Washington, D.C., which we visited this summer. We saw a beetle collection that was in the shape of a beetle! I thought that was cool, so I wanted to make a bug collection that was in the shape of something.
The Calumet County Fair is today through Monday, August 30-September 2, 2013. Besides my project, the fair has an Australian animal show! And I like chickens, so you need to see all the chickens at the fair, too. I’m working at the 4-H food booth on Saturday at lunchtime, so if you come on Saturday, stop by and say, “Hi.”
If you can’t come to the fair, you can see my project below. Click on the picture to see it big.
If you haven’t seen it yet, I had an insect collection at the fair last year.