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Tag Archives: photo
Alligator Gar
The one on the left is an alligator gar. It is sometimes called a gator gar. It is a big fish that looks a little like an alligator. It has a long snout and big teeth just like an alligator. … Continue reading
American Alligator
This is an American alligator. It is also called a gator, and its scientific name is Alligator mississippiensis. They are found in Florida and all the rest of the Gulf coast states. When Spanish explorers first came to Florida, they … Continue reading
Brown Pelican
These are brown pelicans. They live on both coasts of America, from Washington State and Virginia all the way south to northern South America. We saw these pelicans at the Turtle Point exhibit in SeaWorld. Brown pelicans are the smallest … Continue reading
Scarlet Cleaner Shrimp
This is a scarlet cleaner shrimp. They are also called northern cleaner shrimp, skunk cleaner shrimp, and Pacific cleaner shrimp. They are called skunk cleaner shrimp because they have a stripe on their back like a skunk. Scarlet cleaner shrimp … Continue reading
Bar-headed Goose
This is a bar-headed goose. It lives in Asia. It is sometimes seen in other parts of the world, though, because they have been brought into zoos and animal parks and sometimes they escape. I saw it at SeaWorld near … Continue reading
Giant Pacific Octopus
This is a giant Pacific octopus, also called North Pacific giant octopus. I saw this one at SeaWorld in the Manta Aquarium exhibit. This giant Pacific octopus is sleeping. Shhhh! I can tell it is sleeping because its eyes are … Continue reading
American White Ibis
This is an American white ibis. I really like its red curved bill. It is related to the scarlet ibis. I saw both of those birds at SeaWorld. The white ibis was not in an exhibit, but it just flew … Continue reading
Florida Manatee
These are Florida manatees. The Florida manatee is a subspecies of West Indian manatee, which live in South America, Central America, Florida, Cuba, the Caribbean Sea, and the east coast of the United States. Manatees are not fish. They are … Continue reading
Shamu and Raymie
I went to SeaWorld in Orlando, Florida last Friday! I went with my mom. I had a lot of fun. I got to see lots of animals. We took lots of pictures, and I have a lot of stories to … Continue reading
These are cockatiels. Cockatiels are a kind of cockatoo and parrot that live in Australia. They are a very popular pet bird. We saw these birds at Petco. You can tell how a cockatiel is feeling by looking at the … Continue reading