Golden Poison Dart Frog

Yesterday I went with my family to the Milwaukee Public Museum.  They have cool exhibits there, but my favorite part is all the live animals there.  We took lots of pictures while we were there, so I’ll be writing about lots of frogs and bugs that I saw there.

This is a picture of a golden poison dart frog.  This little frog is the most poisonous animal on earth.  It has enough poison on its skin to kill 20,000 mice or 10 people.  Even touching it can be dangerous.  Don’t kiss this frog!  It is one of a group of frogs called poison dart frogs that live in Central and South America.  They are called poison dart frogs because people used to use these frogs to make poison darts for hunting.

It is gold colored in real life, but in this picture it looks weirdo yellow.  There is a bumble bee poison dart frog hiding behind it.

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White-Naped Crane

White-naped cranes live in marshy areas in China, Mongolia, Russia, Korea, and Japan.  They are called white-naped cranes because they have white napes.  The nape is the back of its neck.  One of the things I like about this crane is the cool dark gray arrow on both sides of its neck that points up.

We took this picture a few weeks ago at the International Crane Foundation.

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This is a picture of a bluegill that I caught at my great grandma’s cabin on French Lake near Lakewood, Wisconsin.  French Lake is a nice quiet lake, and we like to go canoeing and fishing there.  The only thing that is not quiet is the common loons that live there, but they are a lot of fun to watch and listen to.

Bluegills are a kind of sunfish.  Bluegills can be found in much of North America, and bluegill fishing is very common in Wisconsin.  When we caught this fish, we were using thunderbugs for bait. Thunderbugs are dragonfly larvae. We bought them at a bait shop, and they worked really well for catching fish like bluegills.  They worked much better than the worms and leaches that we also bought that day.

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Downy Woodpecker

Peck, peck, peck… It’s a woodpecker!

Daddy and I were in our living room today playing zoo animals.  We heard a bunch of birds chirping, and we looked out the window.  We heard this pecking sound, and then we saw this woodpecker pecking on our house!  My first thought was, “Grab the camera!”  My second thought was, “Could you please stop him doing that?”  We took a quick movie with our camera for you to watch:

Downy Woodpecker Pecking on Our House on Vimeo.

After we made the movie, we went outside and scared him away into a nearby bush.  We looked him up, and it is a downy woodpecker.  Downy woodpeckers are black and white birds with a little spot of red on the top of their head.  They look very much like hairy woodpeckers, but downys are smaller, have shorter beaks, and have lines on their outer tail feathers.  Downy woodpeckers can be seen in Wisconsin and most of the United States and Canada year-round.

Woodpeckers are very interesting birds.  Two of my favorite kinds are the red-bellied woodpecker and the common flicker. Red-bellied woodpeckers live in Wisconsin and Florida and everywhere in between.  Common flickers, also called northern flickers, live in the same places as downy woodpeckers, but also live in Mexico.

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Today my daddy and I walked around the neighborhood collecting bags of food as part of the Cub Scouts “Scouting for Food” program.  It was raining pretty hard.  We took the food we collected over to St. Joseph Food Pantry.

At one of the first houses we walked by to collect food, the people were outside with their dog.  They were headed into their car.  We grabbed the bag of food on their porch, and they said that they had just lost their dog.  They asked us that if we see a dog just like the one they had with them, we should bring it back to them.  So we told them we’d look for it.

As we walked around the neighborhood in the rain, looking for bags and the dog, I remembered about the legend that can find any animal.  The legend is really long, and to tell you the whole thing I would have to write for my whole life.  But I told my Daddy the beginning:  “First, you have to find the white flowers that look like a cub scout food bag.”

We had just passed a house where we thought there was a bag, but it was just flowers.  So we headed back over to that house.  When we got there, we turned around to go back, and there was the dog!  It looked just like the other dog.  She was very friendly, and she let Daddy pick her up.  We looked at her collar, and her name is Dori.

So we carried her back to her house.  The people weren’t home yet, so we put the dog in the little kennel on their porch.  Hopefully when they come back home and see their dog, they will be very happy.

Dori is a small dog.  She looks like a weiner dog, but she has long curly fur.  She is reddish brown and has floppy ears.  She was very wet from the rain, and I think she was glad to be home.  We didn’t have a camera with us, so when we got home I drew this picture of her.

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Canada Geese

I saw these Canada geese at my daddy’s work, near the Fox River. It was a mommy and daddy goose with 22 babies.  Baby geese are called goslings.  We took this picture this past summer on June 5, which is my birthday!  You can see my little sister Evie in this picture (with Puppy) looking at the geese.

In the fall, I see lots of Canada geese flying around and honking.  Lots of geese like to spend the night in a field near my house.  There are two kinds of geese that live in Wisconsin: the Canada goose and the snow goose.  In Florida, the only kind of goose you might see is the Canada goose in the winter.  In Alaska, there are 6 kinds of geese: Canada goose, barnacle goose, black brant, emperor goose, greater white-fronted goose, and snow goose.  In Greenland, they have the Canada goose, pale-bellied brant, greater white-fronted goose, and snow goose.

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American Flamingo

This summer we took a trip to the Milwaukee County Zoo.  I really like the zoo because it is big and has more animals than most zoos.

This is a picture of my mommy and me standing in front of some American flamingos, also called Caribbean flamingos.  American flamingos live in the Caribbean Islands, Florida, Mexico, the Galápagos Islands, and Brazil.  Scientists used to think that the Caribbean flamingo and the Greater flamingo, which lives in Africa, Asia, and Europe, were the same species, but now they think that they are different.  Its call is like a goose honk.

They have bright pink feathers, and I think they get this color from what they eat.  They eat algae, insect larvae, mollusks, and crustaceans.

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Animal Jokes

Here are a few of my favorite animal jokes.

Q: Why is it hard to have a conversation with a goat?
A: Because it’s always butting in.

Q: Where do horses shop?
A: Old Neigh-vy.

Q: What is a sleeping male cow?
A: A bulldozer.

Q: What kind of dance classes do sheep take?
A: Baaaaaa-llet

Q: What kind of pizza do chicks like?
A: Peep-eroni

Q: What kind of bird says “Caw” that is not a crow?
A: A macaw.

Q: Why did the cat pick a pumpkin?
A: Because it was purrrr-fect.

I hope you liked my jokes.  If you have any funny animal jokes, put them in the comments!

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This cricket was my pet Crickety.  He was one in a bag of crickets that my friend Cheryl gave me on my birthday this past summer.  I put him in the bug playground that my uncle Jim gave me for my birthday.  He was a lot of fun, and he liked to watch TV with me.  His favorite show was Dora because it was the only one he watched.  He’s not alive anymore, but I just found his picture on the computer, and I had a lot of fun remembering him.

He was a house cricket.  House crickets originated in Asia, Africa, and Europe, but someone introduced them to North America.  Now they live in Canada and most of the United States.

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Giant Water Bug

My friend Dan was at work, and they found this bug inside their office.  The ladies were scared and thought it was a cockroach.  It really is a giant water bug.

Giant water bugs are very large true bugs.  They eat smaller insects, tadpoles, and even small fish.  It is also called a toe-biter, because it sometimes bites people.  I read a story online of a person that got bit by one in the hand, and his hand swelled up and he couldn’t use it for 2 weeks.

It lives in southern Canada, throughout the United States, and into Mexico.  Wow, that’s almost all of North America!

This bug is 2-1/2 inches long.  It’s tough to tell from the picture above, so we took some more pictures with a penny in it so you can see just how big it is.  Click on the pictures to see them bigger.

Thanks, Dan, for bringing me this cool bug!  This one is going in my bug collection.

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